
I don't wanna live complicated

I have just taken a look to the jobs suggested by LinkedIn. Even in Greece, the jobs are headache oriented. They wanted me to analyse data, and no creativity was possible ! If I knew that a job of a doctor or engineer was intellectual masturbation, I would never have made long studies !

I don't wanna live with a headache. The job market sucks : either the physical work is too hard, either you are paid doing useless things... Besides, they force you to go to the city, where everything is grey and sad as a desert. I agree with an old walking adventurer that I've met : if we don't find a job, it means we are too free of mind for such a shit. We'd better gain our money by ourselves, he with harmonica, I with renewable energies, and you ? What is the ideal job for you ?

What should I do ? Should I build an autonomous house in Spain, no matter the price or risk ? Should I come back to Greece and build my own company of renewable energies ? Since I've come back to Catalonia, the System appears more and more closed everytime I wanna push the door, but new doors opened in my mind and I have a glint of faith in that country where we have both positivity and rich natural resources.

I don't know if it's only in France, but it looks like the people have stopped moving forwards, and wait. WAIT ? If I wait, the Clopixol will kill me ! Waiting is a strategy that sucks. I hate waiting. I prefer adventure.

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Rappelez-vous : on a le droit de dire des conneries, mais au bout d'un moment, il faut se rendre compte que c'est des conneries et arrêter de les dire.