
They are socially dead

There are many people who have confunded me with a kleenex. We used to talk each other, and suddenly POOF ! They break the communication.

Why ? I will never understand. Giving an answer is something simple, and accumulating strong bonds with more and more people strenghtens your social network and allows you to resist together against adversity ! :-D Why don't they give an answer ? A relationship is more to gain than to lose, because together, we are stronger. I don't understand them... -_-

Most of the people who snobbed me were stupid and not interesting. But some of them could have been friends of value. Damien, Juliette, Clément, Marianne as well as Tristan... We could have been good friends !

To me, they are all socially dead. They have closed the door to the unknown and decided to collapse upon what they have. They don't have the "always want more" mentality that I have with the mind, be it knowledge or social relationship.

Even in love, I don't find it normal to love only one person. It's not humane. I wish my future woman is not jealous, so that we can make parties with women and men. I've never liked the partiarcal family, where marriage forces to monolove just to know who is the father of the children. I prefer free union.

Answer and love !

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